“How are the apps?”

“How are the apps?” I asked my ex husband over video chat. The call started so I could say goodnight to our son while he was over there but we often still chat as friends at this time.

He knew what I meant. He made a face by way of reply. He looked like a disgusted Elvis with his one lip pulled half way up to his eye.

I chuckled and he said they’re basically the same, if not worse, as the last time I was really on them (which he knew was before Asshole).

“I guess it depends what you’re looking for,” he sighed resolutely. The implications were clear.

“That would be great, but not without a bit more behind it,” I answered. With about a week until Valentine’s Day, I wasn’t looking for a fling.

He smiled then said they probably wouldn’t give me what I was looking for. I wondered briefly if all exes talk like this, but realized it didn’t matter. We do and it works for us. We’re still “best friends”.

I whined that the few people I had met more recently just going through life all seemed to start with such high hopes. I explained how things seem great and they seem super interested and then just…poof!

They’re gone.

Except not. I told him I can see them stalking my professional socials – the hits are easy to track.

He made a derogatory movement involving his hand, his hips and one very happy face.

I chuckled.

“Well I was standing right in front of them so that was dumb on their part.”

Then my ex heaved a big sigh and gave me one of the sweetest compliments ever. And yes, it was made especially sweet because it came from him.

“You’re smart, Varity. Not just like kinda smart. You’re really smart and you’ve got a lot going on.”

“So?” I asked, making sure to prove him wrong for a moment.

He grinned at me awkwardly for a moment before getting serious and almost angry on my behalf for me.

“And you speak up. You challenge men. Guys don’t want a dumb girl but they don’t want you to be smarter than them. They don’t want you to have more accomplishments than them.”

I sat in shocked silence. It was what I suspected in my bitter moments but I try to give people more credit than that. These self-professed liberal and evolved men still couldn’t get past my brain and accomplishments?

Precisely what level of accomplishment is sufficient to appease your cocktail party socialites but not so much as to make people a bit uncomfortable.

“They think I’m too good?!”

No really, where is that happy medium? Just so I know for reference.


“Well then I fucking am. This isn’t a fucking contest!” I was getting angry and Pumpkin was in the other room getting ready for bed still. I didn’t want my bitter suspicions to be right. “It’s, ideally, supposed to be a mutually beneficial partnership. They can grow up and put their big boy pants on if me having a brain is such an issue.”

My ex chuckled at my momentary temper flare after making a semi-shocked face which I suspect was mostly just for show. He knows me well enough to know my reaction.

“Yup,” he said suddenly grinning.

I’m looking for reasons he would lie about that. It can’t be that simple and bitterly true. There must be men out there who can handle a woman who can handle herself and treat her with respect.


From a survivor’s viewpoint?

This is one of the ways they get in. This is how good women end up with bad men. We get lonely too. We want to be seen and recognized and cherished too. We know we aren’t bottom barrel but everybody else flees.

So love bombing feels like “FINALLY! Hallelujah!”.

Somebody who nitpicks some of our own foibles (because we’re actually not perfect, despite the conversation above) seems confident and on our level.

From there it goes downhill.

I’ve got stronger boundaries now but I have a lot of the same feelings I had when I first met Asshole. If I didn’t know better now, I could easily slip into that again. Easily.

I won’t blame the other men for doing their…I’m going to call it the “chicken dance”…but they don’t then also get to turn around and complain about wonderful women they know who date toxic losers. We each get to own our own decisions.

Well? Did you step to it? Did ya try? Or did you find some cockamamie reason not to even try while shielding your ego?

That’s what I thought.

Shut up.

My ex-husband is 100% my EX husband. We’ve mutually agreed we are not going back there again, but as dim as he can be and admits he is, he figured out early on never to let my intelligence and accomplishments be anything but something he was proud of me for. He would brag about me.

See, guys?

That smart woman could be a feather in your cap with the right attitude.

And ladies? Don’t settle for assholes.

I fill my bed

When I roll and stretch

In the middle of the night

Consuming the whole bed –

Not one side – left or right.

There’s no warm body

To stop my progression

Only my blankets grip

Requires any concession.

Sleep music, chosen by me,

Fills the dim room.

Purple bedding, my choice,

Features flowers in bloom.

When I wake in the morning

With my head in one corner

And my feet stretched to the other

I revel in the lack of any border.

This is mine – all mine-

And I don’t have to share.

I often forget the beauty

In solitude there.

When I wake, to no alarm,

Or to one or to five,

I perk my coffee, play my music,

Find my own way to life.

Then a friend calls

Or a loved one rings,

And they’ve got all these stresses

From partner things.

They pity me, I think, in my bed alone

But do they remember,

What it’s like to wake up 

Stretch across the whole bed and tremble?

Not with fear? But also not joy?

Just that deep, deep broad stretch,

Allowing yourself to take space

Knowing there’s no catch.

I forget, sometimes, when lonely

To still be grateful for this.

This is my space and, maybe,

it’s not worth an intrusion just for a kiss.

I can bend to my own whims,

No part in any joy but my own,

And when so many have cared so little

And called my pain overblown…

I’ll take this space, in bed and elsewhere,

And keep it just for me.

It’s a prize to enter my haven, my warmth,

So you’ll have to adore me.


This was cross-posted on the Pesky Muses blog already, but it seemed equally relevant here. Part of regaining my strength is not feeling an emotional need to be with somebody, especially if they haven’t earned it and that also means finding joy in the small things like not having to share a bed. I’m sorry to my future partner already, but we might need seperate bedrooms. Honestly, I’m loving this and I’m cool with visits, but I want my own space to retreat to. Still, the bed is just a metaphor in this poem. The ways that being with somebody, especially somebody abusive, requires you to make a million tiny concessions in your day-to-day life? At this point, somebody is going to have to be amazing to get that space from me.

Craving intimacy

The touch isn’t enough
The empty kiss
The haphazard caress
The deep sigh and grunt of pleasure.
It’s not enough anymore.

I want the look that lingers
The hunger
The lips that have to be licked
The mid-thrust confessions.
I want the afterglow smiles.

I want the soft, strong chest
Where my head belongs,
I want the slow, lingering kisses
Savouring skin scent
With traveling fingers.

Magnetic eyes,
Exclamations of peace and home
Hitting deep
“Here?” And “yes, God, please!?”
And slow then fast.

Smiles at my pleasure,
Quickening pace at theirs
Flushed cheeks
All-day distraction
Building wet anticipation.

I don’t just want to be touched
That isn’t enough.
I want it all.
Turn the bed into our world
But first bring me intimacy.


“They’re massive!” you were telling me enthusiastically. “You have to see them. They’ll open shortly and hopefully they don’t sell out right away.”

Lady Glaze Donuts in downtown Stratford is tucked in a tiny park area just behind the main drag and you’d been excited to take me there all morning. [Pumpkin] loves anything sweet so I was excited to get something for him.

We strolled through the area and you waved to one of the homeless men passing time on a bench underneath the disgusting pepto-bismol pink petunias adorning the city that year. You seemed to know him and smiled and waved. Most people I know would avoid making eye contact with homeless people.

That’s so sweet how he acknowledges them. 

Somebody else had just given the man a container of takeout food and, apart from the oppressive heat blanketing the city long before mid-day, there was no other respite we could offer. The heat was slaying us all equally that day. 

We dodged an array of fancy cars with three-letter acronyms to cross the road near town hall and the well-to-do part of town and started maneuvering our way towards the cute little inner city park Lady Glaze backed onto. As we walked up to the door nestled under some forgiving shade, we read the sign which told us they were sold out. We’d have to come back in a bit.

After a few weeks of commuting back and forth to see you and forgetting an important medication, I was tired and a little more high-strung than normal. It wasn’t really an issue, so long as none of my PTSD triggers from a horrific vehicle accident years ago popped up.

The trees were rustling slightly in the merciful breeze above us as we strolled through the park away from Lady Glaze, though, when the tell-tale high-pitched whine of sirens pierced the previously peaceful downtown buzz.

Stuck between fight and flight, my body froze. I was simultaneously hyper-aware of everything and tensed to respond but unable to move. You were holding my hand in that fateful moment and only made it two more steps before the bond of our fingers and my frozen feet turned you to face me. I squeezed your hand harder – the one thing I was able to manage.

I saw you turn. I saw the confusion and slight irritation furrow your brow. I saw your mouth open as you prepared to say something before the harsh lines melted more quickly the brown sugar on hot oats with the sudden realization I was having a silent panic attack.

The whining sirens filled the air until it was practically vibrating around us with or without the wind as they came closer. I could feel the shrieking noise in my chest. My vision was technicolor and my heart was matching the incessant staccato of the blaring sirens. Somebody I loved more than myself was dying or dead in my panicked mind and logic couldn’t shout loud enough to be heard over fear. That’s what the sirens mean.

Without telling you any of that, you were at my side. Then your arm was around me and I still clung to the other one. Feeling the skin of somebody I trust is comforting (or at least it used to be). 

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I may have left nail marks on you by accident. Your mouth hovered down to my ear. You spoke slow and smooth and low.

“You’re ok. They’re not for you. You’re safe. I’m here. [Pumpkin] is safe. You’re ok.”

You kept saying “you’re ok” periodically as the sirens receded and allowed my heart to find it’s own rhythm again.

My joints came back to life and I tilted my head up to you. Green eyes and a long,straight nose focused their everything on me as lips tentatively slipped into a questioning grin.

I blushed, embarrassed.

Again, you knew without me saying a thing. You told me not to be embarrassed.

Later that day you said it was horrible seeing me like that. You said it hurt you and you didn’t want me to hurt like that. You told me to bring some of my pills to your home so I would stop forgetting them. I said I needed better sleep too and, for a few days, you made sure I got more sleep.

I haven’t forgotten these moments. Quite the contrary – these memories are what make this so hard.

I want to hate you. This would be easier if I hated you. 

I am getting angry, though, and I’m still scared.

Meeting my quirky Casanova, part 1

Telling this story requires me to swallow a huge humility-pill and dig deep to forgive my former self.

If I replay the first date with Asshole in my mind now, I see dozens of red flags. To keep a single post from turning into an entire chapter, let’s just stroll back through memory lane to that first hour or so we were together.

After chatting for hours and hours every night for two weeks, Asshole and I were finally going to meet. Conversation with him was always interesting and he got my nerdy jokes and even added to them. Normally my obscure humour receives blank stares and silence. On those rare occasions I find somebody who even gets it, let alone can add to it, I am hooked. I was so excited to meet this brilliant person I had been getting to know and I hoped there was a spark in person.

In the day or two leading up to actually meeting he emphasized how important punctuality was for him. I warned him time was a somewhat more abstract concept in my world and I would be coming to him after a business meeting that had the potential to run late. The day of, he kept checking via text and a couple brief calls for my estimated arrival time. It seemed sweet and I could sense his anxiety, but his tone also had a hint of irritation that he could not control my comings and goings so absolutely.

I told him not to stress. I would message when I arrived and he lived just a few minute walk away so he could meet me then. He agreed almost not begrudgingly.

When I actually pulled into the agreed upon location and found a parking spot in the shade, I messaged and waited. He arrived much quicker than I anticipated so I was still scrolling on my phone and confirming to my Boo that I had arrived safely and would check in later.

I turned to look out the window and was greeted by a lanky man, with gelled back dark curls wearing mulberry slacks and some sort of draped, knee-length linen…thing. His round glasses combined with wide-eyed anxiety made him look a bit like an insect above his mask and there was a bag slung over his shoulder.

I smiled at him as I greeted him and his eyes slid back into his sockets as he took a deep breath. Oh! There’s the music-man I’ve been falling for, I thought and breathed a sigh of relief. He was sexy and quirky and charming again. (Anxiety is a bitch.)

I can’t remember the first words he said to me in person because he slid his mask off as he was saying them.

Umm. What?! No. Really?! What happened there?

Staring me in the face was what appeared to be a bad case of meth-mouth. This is a definite deal breaker for me. Why did a man who claimed to have a PhD from the University of Toronto, work for the Stratford Festival, have about $5 million in trust, and have amazing health benefits have missing and blackened teeth? That’s easy enough to fix in 2021. With enough money, they’ll even sedate you while they do it.

There was zero indication of the obvious dental issue before arriving and it is normally something I asked point-blank before even agreeing to a coffee date with previous matches but I just never would have imagined it was even something I needed to worry about from the rest of the picture he’d painted of himself and his life.

Well, I’m already here and my childcare is taken care of. Might as well go for a walk, feed some ducks, and check out the city with a free tour-guide. I know the conversation is good. One day of fun won’t hurt.

He handed me a single white rose, signed with our nicknames. I smiled, awkwardly I’m sure, and held it close.

Wow … Wow … So sweet and cute! … Now what do I do with this? What’s the etiquette here?

We’d discussed before hand the possibility of me staying the night (sex not necessary), especially if we went for dinner and drank some wine, so I did have an overnight bag. He asked if I wanted to bring it back with me or grab it later when we moved my vehicle to a different parking spot.

I smiled but my eyes wandered back to the teeth.

“We can get it later,” he said cheerfully. Then he assured me his friend, whom he was letting stay with him as a favour until he found a different housing situation as he transferred work positions (so he told me), would be out of the apartment for a while and we could go back there and chat. He also said he had just come from work and wanted to change.

Oh! I can leave the flower there so I don’t have to carry the poor thing all over Stratford in this heat. It will wilt if I do that.

I agreed to go with him. My Boo would scold me and tell me that’s how you end up on the ID channel. The stairwell up to his door had torn wallpaper from three different eras exposed and the stairs themselves could have used some attention.

Umm…maybe I should turn back now. Between the teeth and the apparent crack den, he almost lost me.

I’ve never been accused of having a good poker face. He read it with the ease of a children’s story and his wit came to his rescue.

“I know the stairway is a bit Baghdad bombing chic, but I promise my apartment is much nicer,” Asshole said and smiled at me. His green eyes sparkled.

Ok – He’s clearly sober regardless of the housing situation and there’s that wit I love. Lets see this apartment which is in an incredibly convenient and beautiful location.

In his apartment, we sat in his living room. It was mostly giving me grandma vibes with antique floral armchairs and a jewel-toned couch. An old, dark-stained wooden end table was piled high with various magazines including Martha Stewart’s mag. He said most of his things had been hastily tossed in a storage unit when things in his life turned south suddenly but, due to a series of traumatic events and health concerns, and he had moved into this apartment to bridge the gap and it was implied this furniture was gifted or picked up cheaply second hand.

That much was believable – at least the second part.

While sitting in the living room, he gave me a small gift wrapped in purple wrapping paper. Purple is my favourite and he knew it. I held it for a moment, unsure what to do. He was standing there with me so I placed it on the entertainment stand first and asked if I could have a hug before anything else. We’d been as chaste as middle schoolers going to homecoming

He agreed and we hugged. He smelled good and my head nestled nicely on his chest. I sighed happily. It felt…good.

He bowed his head and nuzzled my neck a little and I slid up on my tippy toes to return the favour. Our lips met briefly but repeatedly and gently. Then mine trailed down his jaw to his neck and ear lobe.

I could feel his growing enthusiasm as we were still hugging. I can’t remember the phrasing but he made some joke about he wasn’t going to make it if we didn’t stop. There was visible pre-cum. He had to change now whether he wanted to or not. I chuckled like the school girl he’d accused me of not being.

He reiterated his room mate was gone for a while.

Mm-hm…and?… (I knew what “and” was.)

We chatted a bit about what we could do for the rest of the day. A walk and feeding the geese was definitely part of it, but we hadn’t decided where to eat dinner yet. I was not terribly hungry and the thought of food at all at that time felt a little strange and made my stomach do a jig. We agreed to discuss dinner more on our walk and then he got up to go change.

He asked if I wanted a tour of the place so I followed.

Dining room.



“And here’s my bedroom,” he said stepping in and gesturing me to follow.

It was a long room in a building at least one century old. Given the placement of two doors (for one room?) and some exposed pipes equidistance between them, I strongly suspect it used to be two bedrooms and the wall was simply torn down at some point.

He had an air conditioning unit in the corner by the window and a simple wooden chair. At the other end of the room was an antique white dresser and two twin box springs with a queen mattress on top for a bed.

I guess the bed is in storage too? Man, I would at least take my bed. Sleep is important. Maybe the mattress is grand.

He asked if I wanted to see the speedos he’d told me about before.


“Do you want me to model them?”

Uhhhh… “If you want,” I said and shrugged. I can’t say male swimwear, no matter how baggy or skimpy, ever did much for me one way or another.

He pulled the two speedos out of the drawer and laid them on the bed for me to see. One was nautical themed and more of a boy short cut. I have underwear that skimpy.

The other was a bright pink male bikini cut. I don’t honestly think this one will contain him after what I just learned.

He read my face again, I vowed not to ever play poker for more than candy and he agreed the pink one didn’t leave much to the imagination.

We never actually got to him modelling the speedos but he did start pulling out clothes to change. I wouldn’t call myself a prude by any stretch of the imagination and naked bodies don’t phase me one way or another so when he indicated I could stay it just discreetly looked the other way but didn’t feel compelled to leave either.

When he got down to his skivvies he indicated he really wanted me to see. I didn’t want to see that much yet. He walked up to me, somewhat close but not threatening at all, in nothing but his lime green briefs.

I looked him up and down and smiled but as he hooked his thumbs in the waist band I trained my eyes on his and did not move them.

“I will unwrap my presents and enjoy my gifts when I am ready,” I said smiling coyly at him and holding his eyes the whole time. (The double entendre there was brilliant but 100% accidental.) I have no idea what he was doing below his collarbones, which were the extent of my peripheral vision.

He teased me and asked why I wouldn’t look and I just nodded and said no. Then I left them room.

The last thing I saw at that moment was him smiling at me. He seemed simultaneously annoyed and impressed and it would not be the last time I got that reaction from him for various things.

He met me back out in the living room where I had taken a seat on the couch and was scrolling through my phone waiting for him to finish changing.

He kept smiling at me with the most flirtatious grin. I said ‘no’ – and for now he liked it – so he was chasing.

We chatted a bit before he insisted I at least unwrap the other gift.

“I guess I can manage that,” I chuckled, but then blushed and became noticably uncomfortable.

I unwrapped the small purple package and inside were some pearl earrings on simple silver dangle clasps. The pearls were imperfect, which made them even more perfect to me. I like things a little imperfect in general. They were simultaneously classic and a little unconventional.

Woah! Jewelry?! Um…this is big. But also if he’s as wealthy as he claims, simple pearl earrings aren’t such a big deal. If this is how men with this level of wealth want to woo, just say ‘thank you’. Remember when Ewan from Oxford University in England gave you wine that’s like $300 a bottle the first time he met you? Just go with it, Varity.

“Thank you,” I said, smiling meekly and running my fingers over the small, round stones. I felt like he really understood me from that simple gift. He folded his long, slender legs and then his arms and told me I was welcome and he hoped I liked them. I assured him I did. Then I sat them next to me on the couch.

I loved them actually and may even buy myself a pair someday, but I still felt uncomfortable receiving such a gift so soon. Right or wrong, jewelry feels to me like a gift you “earn” in a relationship.

So there we sat across from each other in his living room

Now what?

“So, are you going to show me your tour guide skills?” I asked.

“Yes!” He sprang lithely from his chair, we donned our shoes and exited via the Baghdad-bombing-chic stairwell onto a busy downtown street in Stratford, lined with lots of little shops and places to eat.

Pancakes and parenting

“My name is Margo. You guys come back anytime. It’s been a pleasure and you’re an inspiration,” said the diner waitress as she brought us our bill and slipped seamlessly into doting on my boy like a long-lost Auntie. He sucked up the affection like a dry sponge.

The only thing we, as in my ex-husband and I, did to inspire such an effusive reaction from a relative stranger was put our son’s happiness and needs ahead of our own. All we did was endeavor to be good parents.

Saturday evening, during my son’s stretch of days with me, he said he was sad and missed his dad. So I messaged my ex and asked if he wanted to do brunch with us the next day after church so our boy could get a little dad-time and some hugs…and pancakes. Pumpkin will always go for pancakes. My ex eagerly agreed and we sorted out the particulars.

At the restaurant today, we got through the covid screens and were seated at a table. When Margo came to introduce herself, I told her to put my boy and I on one bill and the ex on another. He pulled her aside at some point and told her to bring him the entire bill.

When she brought it to him while I was wiping syrup from our son’s face, fingers, flannel shirt and general person, I didn’t realize he’d already paid.

Only when she came back with the receipt for him to sign while my ex was taking our son to the bathroom did I realize he’d covered the whole tab.

I was shocked.

“Well he shouldn’t have done that! I guess I know how to pick ex-husbands,” I joked to Margo. It was her turn to be shocked.

“You two get along so well! I never would have guessed.”

“It’s what’s best for [our son’s name],” I replied and shrugged.

She agreed as my ex and our son came back from the bathroom. She left to take care of something else and we collected our things.

It was on our way out that she popped over quickly and told us we were an inspiration.

I don’t know if Asshole would have behaved as selflessly. I knew he could and there examples of it, though never when it outright posed an imposition to him.

But one of our biggest fights was over my son and his behaviour in a particular situation. First he took something to do with my son too personally; it had nothing to do with him and didn’t even really affect him greatly. My son just needed Asshole to swallow his pride for five minutes and be a teensy bit flexible with a plan.

When that proved too much of a burden for him, he threw a bigger tantrum than the five-year-old I was trying to protect and said we were over. He left us sitting on a bench, an hour from home, while he screamed at me over the phone from his apartment. I was trying to negotiate him placing my son’s favourite stuffy and other toys he brought with him on his back patio and then returning inside at which time I could come get them. I didn’t even ask for my things and I was close to promising my son an exorbitant trip to the toy store in exchange for forgetting about the lost items.

Asshole calmed down with a bit of time and I couldn’t drive yet after a rich dinner. He offered us his room and said he’d take the couch, but that he wanted us out first thing in the morning. I complied and did not reach out to him after we left in the morning.

He eventually called and apologized a few days later and I don’t know why I accepted it. I never did let him see my son again though.

Other times he had been so kind and concerned about my boy even at his own expense. The unpredictability scared me. It was one thing for me, another adult, to choose to expose myself to some emotional volatility but that wasn’t fair for my boy.

In the end, it wasn’t fair for me either.

The letter I never sent

Aug. 21, 2021

Dear [his name here],

I can’t adequately emphasize how good you are in your soul. I’ve meant it every time I’ve said it and my opinion remains unchanged.

I fell for your confounding mix of devout religion combined with an utterly bohemian approach to life. I loved speaking with you on the phone, on walks, and while sipping tea and coffee in your front room and uncovering your passions and humour.

I couldn’t help but smile every time you played the organ or piano. I could hear your passion when you spoke about your grandparents and continuing those traditions. Your work with the thrift store is prayer and devotion in action.

Your love of language and wordplay surpass even my own – something I’ve never found before. You are honest and loyal, sometimes to a fault {ETA: I laugh at this now}, and your steady routines comforted me. The way you get down on children’s level when speaking with them and the ability to remember small individual preferences showcase your deep ability to empathize.

I know your life seems out of control right now. I know, no matter how much you deny it, that you are scared. You may not fear death, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other things that worry you. They worry me too.

I know you’ve never felt full acceptance for who you are. I know you feel shame and don the mask regularly for defense.

I see you. And I love you. And I was ready to build a life with you. I was ready to call you “Asshole” everyday until I couldn’t anymore, and then scream it (heartbroken) at your grave or whisper it in your drowsy ear from the other side.

I see you, [his name here], and I love you – all of you. I love the parts you prefer to pretend don’t exist as much as I love those traits you are proud to showcase.

I’m not sure I’m done if you’re not, but this emotional rollercoaster has to end. You hurt my boy. He was sad all day and kept coming to me for snuggles and reassurance. At the grocery store he asked to buy you medicine to make you better and in the pet aisle he wanted to buy dog toys for Batman {ETA: Batman did not exist yet but he was claiming he was on a waitlist with a breeder and very excited to be getting a springer spaniel}. He also wanted to visit the baby aisle “for mommy and [his name here].

Before bed, {my boy} crawled into my lap and cuddled me like a baby. He was crying before I knew it because he misses you and was worried about you – you told him you were sick. He remembers everything just like you. All I could do was hold him, hide my own tears, and assure him he was infinitely loved.

[His name here], your anger and your triggers are yours. I know you can control them because even through your seething rage, you showed {my boy} and I uncompromising kindness. I need you to own that, as valid as your feelings are, sometimes they have nothing to actually do with me and blaming me is not going to gain you the control you crave in that situation. It only makes you feel worse afterwards as you do mental gymnastics to avoid your own guilt.

I see this. I see all of it and I understand. It’s already forgiven – but there need to be concrete steps to end it: couples communication counseling – as requested – with somebody who specializes in HFA {ETA: He lead me to believe he was an Aspie and it did seem to explain most of the behaviors.}

You don’t shame me for my shortness or {cerebral palsy} or lack of musical skill. You find ways to help me celebrate my ‘shortcomings’ or work with them. I want to do the same for you. I can’t on my own.

You can’t hurt my boy – but you did. He was crying for you and he misses you. I trusted you. I still love you, but I don’t know what to do.

{The letter continued a bit from there but was repetitive.}

I never sent you this letter. I wrote it while severely heartbroken after triaging a terrible situation you created the last time you saw my boy.

I remember the tears that stayed mostly in my eyes, though sometimes blurred my vision, as I wrote this. I remember feeling chilled on the hot summer day as though my core had been ripped from me and I was already stuck in a no-win situation, drowning and trying to stay afloat.

I remember I was trying to clear my own head and heart as much as anything else when I wrote this letter.

Now, when I read it back to myself, I realize the number you did on me.

The worst thing you’ve done to me is mess me up emotionally and mentally and there is no criminal charge for that. That is the biggest danger of you.

Now when I read it, I can start to pick apart the things I saw as good in you and see the truth behind your motives because I have more of the story. Now, I can spot the outright lies. Now when I read it, I feel more powerful for having broken out of that, though I still sometimes miss the good moments with you.

I also feel so, so sad for you and I think I always will. The beast you have become is pitiful. You’ve been given so much love from different people and so many chances to turn things around. I know you’ve had hardships, and some I believe you even still won’t address, but haven’t we all?

By this point in your life, you’re choosing this.

You’re not brave enough to fully look at yourself and choose healing and love – so you are pitiful.

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